Freelance Support

What is Diana’s Freelancer Program?

Diana’s Freelancer Program* is a program that provides a means for freelancers around the globe to collaborate with us for mutual benefit.

We offer a constant source of part-time to full-time work opportunities, without the trouble and expenses of advertising and self-promotion. 

 Signing Up 

1) Fill out a short registration form. From the Signup page, you’ll be asked to create a unique username that will identify you on our system. You’ll also need to provide a valid email address and confirm reading our Terms and Conditions. No personal information will be requested. 

2) Confirm your email address. When you submit the registration form, a message containing a link and confirmation code will be sent to the email address you provided. You must follow the instructions in the email to provide the confirmation code in order to activate your account. 

3) Create your profile. Take a few minutes to provide some information about yourself and/or your business.

Projects posted by Diana’s Project Hulk

Projects are posted by Diana’s Project Hulk with work descriptions, skill requirements, and a budget range. Freelancers browse or search the posted projects for those that match their skills and interests. After reading the full descriptions of applicable projects, freelancers can  upload their work samples on their portfolio page for us to check. We would then examine the posted bids and work samples to determine the most qualified bidders and award the project to one or more freelancers. 


Each registered Diana’s Academy user is provided with a free online account for payments or fund transfers. Funds can be added as direct payments from other users through projects/contests or from various payment sources such as the user’s credit card, online accounts (PayPal or Skrill) or bank transfer.

A freelancer may request payouts from Diana’s Project Hulk in his/her account via Express Withdrawal/Payouts, Wire Withdrawal/Payouts, or online account (PayPal or Skrill). . 

Payout requests are handled on a weekly basis. Minimal fees to offset processing costs may apply to certain transfers and are deducted when the transfer is initiated. 


Diana’s Project Hulk would pay the Freelancer via transfer from their accounts to providers’ accounts. This can be done through Milestone Payments, invoices, or fund transfers.


Feedback and Ratings

When a project is completed through payments made within the our system, the feedback and rating system for that project will be activated. This provides the opportunity for Hulk  to rate the freelancer’s performance through comments and a simple 5-star rating scale.  A freelancer’s overall ratings and individual project ratings and feedback are shown on their profile page to help us assess the value of working with that freelancer. 


Diana’s Project Hulk strives to provide a safe, simple, and dedicated environment for cooperation between us and the freelancers .

Service Level Agreement

User Agreement

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